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Zelda, Mario, Rareware, Pokemon and Batman Fan!

Legend of Zelda – 7 Rupee set

Sharing this beautiful art work created by Winterwish

Winterwish has made these beautiful glass rupees sculpted to perfection. These are perfect for cosplay and a must for any zelda fan! I saw these and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. What an awesome idea! The skills to make these have to be outstanding for the rupee’s to actually look realistic, and these do. Being a zelda obsessee myself, I’ve googled real life rupee creations until the cows come home, and these are definitely the best and most realistic that I have seen. What to spend them on, though? 😉

Click the images of this beautiful product to find out more, or alternatively, click here

A variety of values are available – which can be customised if you are wanting to order.. (But who would want 7 green ones? Hehe) You can see the sizing of these goodies by checking out the comparison to the Australian coins.

If you’re Zelda craaaaaaaaazy, these will absolutely drive you wild! 😀





