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Zelda, Mario, Rareware, Pokemon and Batman Fan!
Banjo Kazooie Notes

Banjo Kazooie Notes plushie!

Hello! Today I’m here to show you all my musical notes plushie from Banjo Kazooie!
Picture links will be updated when a video has been created 🙂

Banjo Kazooie notes plushie

I have always loved the banjo kazooie notes, and the time was ripe to create a plushie of them! I used a shiny gold dress fabric for the main body of the notes, and used fluffy white fabric for the eyes. I started by embroidering the eyes of the notes first, which took a while!! Below you will see a picture of the half finished eyes. After both eyes had been sewn, I sewed them together and stuffed them 🙂

They eyes were made of the same fabric that was used to create the Fluffy Triforce , as it seems I have a bit of obsession with using fake fur in my creations – hehehe

Banjo Kazooie eyes

Banjo Kazooie eyes

After I had carefully hand sewn the note base, I stuffed it with polyester fill. Quite pleased with the result!

Notes Base

Notes Base

Now it was time to start decorating. I took a golden ribbon, and sewed it around every edge of the banjo kazooie notes

BK notes Ribbon

BK notes ribbon

Detail around the edge

Detail around the edge

After completing the ribbon, it was time to start the bead work. Each bead was individually sewn onto the notes, and then some cotton was threaded through linking all the beads to keep them in a straight line.

Beading - The overall effect

Beading – The overall effect

Beading - Close up

Beading – Close up

Now, all there was to do to finish these lovely banjo kazooie notes was to attach the eyes onto it 😀 Below are some pictures of the finished product – including a screen from behind: The back of the eyes was given some ornate white elastic treatment to hide the grey stitching I used to sew the silver beads around the eyes 🙂

Rear view

Rear View

Banjo Kazooie Notes

Banjo Kazooie Notes

Close up of the eyes

Close up of the eyes

Finished Product

Finished Product

Thanks for checking out my home made banjo kazooie notes, I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I enjoyed making them!

– Fi xo

